Quality Assurance Unit(QAU)

Hellenic Mediterranean University

Hellenic Mediterranean University Strategic Development Plan (SDP)

The Strategic Development Plan (SDP) of the Hellenic Mediterranean University is both a requirement of Law 4610 of 2019, the founding law of the Institution, and an essential step for the balanced, well-planned and sustainable development of the University, in the medium term (at a four-year level), but also in the long term (at a twenty-year level).

The SDP concerns the period 2022-2025 and is an integral part of the evaluation process of the Institution by the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE) and of the programmatic agreement with the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs for the same period. It is also an essential element of the evaluation/certification process of the University’s undergraduate study programs based on the relevant call for proposals for the certification of new, active undergraduate study programs of the country’s HEIs.

The SDP is not, however, simply a document aimed at fulfilling the requirements of the law. Its aim is to serve as a reference point and at the same time as a roadmap for the development of the University that will help the Administrations of the Institution to maintain their orientation in the direction that has been decided, while allowing for quick and immediate readjustment to data that may change during this period of time. After all, this was clearly demonstrated by the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as by the speed and success with which the University adapted to the new conditions.