Quality Assurance Unit(QAU)

Hellenic Mediterranean University

Composition of Quality Assurance Unit (MODIP) of the Hellenic Mediterranean University

According to Decision no. 99/Θ.29/23-02-2023 (ΑΔΑ:918946ΜΗ2Ι-7ΣΖ) of the Senate of the Hellenic Mediterranean University as amended and in force by Decision no.103/Θ.8/15-06-2023 (ΑΔΑ: ΟΝΡΡ46ΜΗ2Ι-93Σ) of the Senate of the Hellenic Mediterranean University, the Quality Assurance Committee of the Institution is constituted as follows:​

Mavromatakis Fotios, Professor, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs and Lifelong Learning

Vardiampasis Ioannis, Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering

Kopanakis Ioannis, Professor, Department of Administrative Science and Technology

Pachoulakis Ioannis, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering

Frangiadakis Georgios, Associate Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics

Katsamaki Anastasia, Member of the Greek National Academic Council, Department of Electronic Engineering

Drakoulakis Stylianos, Member of the Greek National Academic Council, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Administrative and secretarial support:

Kalliopi Divini, tel. 2810379177

Student and temporary staff representatives have not been appointed.

The term of the Committee expires on 31-08-2027.