Quality Assurance Unit(QAU)

Hellenic Mediterranean University

Environmental Policy

Goal: “Green University”

Hellenic Mediterranean University’s environmental policy focuses on its continuous effort to improve its environmental quality and integrate principles, the observance of which leads to its sustainable operation and sustainable development. The prediction and management of environmental risks arising from its educational and research operations are determined through an approved Environmental Impact Study of the Region of Crete, in order to ensure the compatibility of ecological, economic and social criteria. This achieves the reduction of pollution, the recovery of raw materials and energy, the reduction of operating costs, continuous improvement, environmental education and the awareness of the community of the Institution as well as the surrounding society in general. The main areas-actions within the framework of Hellenic Mediterranean University’s environmental policy are:

Energy management


Green policy

Accessibility of infrastructure

Bioclimatic design



Hellenic Mediterranean University has already committed to the above by implementing:

The applicable environmental community and national legislation so that the emission limits to the environment are always respected.

The commitment that educational and research development respects the environment and adheres to the principles of Sustainable Development.

Continuous monitoring for full knowledge of the environmental impacts of its operation in order to minimize its environmental footprint.

Collaboration with external specialized partners for the management of its waste (collection, transport, recovery and disposal) provided that management practices are followed in accordance with acceptable environmental standards.

Use of special anti-pollution technology systems to minimize emissions, gaseous or aqueous, to the environment.

Installation and operation of recycling and by-product utilization systems in order to maximize the saving of natural resources and minimize their environmental impact.

Participation in an open dialogue on environmental issues with state or non-state organizations, with local communities and society as a whole.

Training of personnel on environmental management issues for the application of modern methods and technologies aimed at preventing and protecting the environment.

Actions already implemented to address environmental impacts.

Management of laboratory waste (liquid, gaseous and solid) from the laboratories of the School of Agricultural Sciences at the Hellenic Mediterranean University Farm in Heraklion.

Due to the research nature of the institution, during the laboratory courses, chemical preparations are used, resulting in the production of liquid, solid and gaseous waste in relatively small quantities. Although these quantities of pollutants are small, legal methods of disposal are applied in all cases, as provided for in the Environmental Impact Study of Hellenic Mediterranean University. For this reason, Hellenic Mediterranean University collaborates with the Directorate of Rural Development of Heraklion to collect pesticides after their legal use date, according to their label, under the responsibility of the Directorate of Agriculture.

In more detail, the protection measures taken by Hellenic Mediterranean University for the removal of laboratory wastewater, liquids and solids, are as follows:

Under the responsibility and coordination of the Farm Directorate, pesticides are recorded and separated by category (insecticides liquid – solid, fungicides liquid – solid, herbicides liquid – solid, plant regulators liquid – solid, empty packaging, pesticides with damaged or no labels). These pesticides are recorded by Laboratory and then separated and placed in cardboard boxes according to the above categories. During recording, storage and separation, the staff takes the necessary personal protection measures (overalls, gloves, mask, glasses, etc.), based on the instructions of the Agricultural Pharmacology Laboratory. The liquid waste of the Laboratories from the cleaning of glassware or from the use of small quantities of substances (chemical or not) is collected in special containers.

In addition, the solid and liquid waste of the laboratories is delivered to the company “ENVIROGHEM HELLAS S.A.”, which is authorized for the withdrawal and safe management of hazardous waste.

In order to minimize the use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc., some soil crops have already begun to be converted into closed-system hydroponic crops, with recycling of the nutrient solution, so as not to burden the soil.

Energy Management

Actions concerning the energy management of ELMEPA’s building facilities, which are already being implemented, are:

Reducing oil consumption. In the context of proper operation and energy saving, regular maintenance of the central heating is carried out by a licensed installer, as well as control of the electromechanical equipment by the Maintenance Department of Hellenic Mediterranean University.

In the educational and other areas of the Institution, the common lighting bulbs have been replaced in their majority with low-consumption bulbs, while there is a relevant protocol for the operation (touch – off) of the lighting. Also, every year, the system is checked and maintained by the competent Services of the Institution, with priority given to the areas that are used most frequently.

Recording electricity consumption per building to control the total electricity consumption.

Installation of Building Management System (BMS) in many buildings of the Institution. The aim is to expand and fully operate similar systems in all buildings.

Use, where possible, of Renewable Energy Sources in the facilities of Hellenic Mediterranean University, such as photovoltaic systems and small wind turbines that until now have only research or locally demonstrative use in the relevant laboratories or in adjacent areas. The Institution is developing a strategy for the energy upgrade of infrastructure.

Providing advice and instructions to staff at regular intervals, on the responsible use of cooling/heating units to cover the minimum necessary needs.

Water use

Methodical water conservation is carried out in all buildings, green areas and experimental and educational crops of the School of Agriculture, with rational water use practices, deficit irrigation methods, etc. Hellenic Mediterranean University has a licensed drilling for the irrigation of research and educational crops.

Paper Use

There is a systematic reduction in daily paper use, while the purchase of paper products made from recycled paper is promoted.

A significant and immediate reduction in paper consumption is brought about by the implementation of a series of digital procedures concerning educational and administrative communication (student registration and course registration, textbook procurement, installation and operation of the electronic secretariat for information on grades, study programs, etc., remote access to the electronic library, circulation of administrative documents inside and outside the institution, electronic signatures of administrative documents by those responsible, communication between students and any external interested party through the institution’s website and social media, etc.


Sufficient bins for the disposal and management of recyclable waste have been placed in appropriate locations, such as bins for packaging waste (plastic, paper, aluminum, glass), for lamps and lighting fixtures, for electrical and electronic devices, printer ink cartridges, batteries and other accumulators, as well as for the composting of organic waste.

For the removal of recyclable non-hazardous materials from the facilities of the Hellenic Mediterranean University (paper, packaging, metals), special bins have been placed for their collection, which are then stored in special areas until they are received and finally delivered to a contracted special recycling company. Waste electrical and electronic equipment and other components are periodically collected, collected at a special area of the ​​Hellenic Mediterranean University and delivered to another contracted special recycling company.

Green Policy

Within the premises of the institution exist: (a) pedestrian streets with cobblestones or steps as well as paving of common – outdoor areas, (b) common green zones with intense plant cover, such as areas of thickets with pine trees, (c) flower beds with aromatic and ornamental plants of the Cretan flora.

A very small area has lawns, while a large part of the privately owned land in Heraklion is covered by the facilities of the Farm, which includes greenhouse crops, vineyards, fruit and vegetable and citrus orchards, plots of land with large-scale crops and gardens with ornamental and aromatic plants, which are used for educational and research purposes of the School of Agriculture. In all these areas, integrated solid waste management is practiced using the composting method.

Accessibility of infrastructure

The goal of Hellenic Mediterranean University is equal access to academic studies for students with disabilities or with different abilities and requirements, through the adaptation of facilities and the provision of access services, assistive information technologies as well as relevant psychological counseling support services.

Also, within the framework of the Operational Project “Digital Convergence” and based on the principle of equal access to information, the Central Library offers educational material and appropriate tools to assist students with disabilities and other educational needs in their studies.

Bioclimatic design

In the design and construction of Hellenic Mediterranean University infrastructure, the goal is sustainable green construction. The development and improvement of building facilities is directed towards finding solutions with optimal energy efficiency, minimal use of natural resources and the selection and use of materials friendly to the environment and human health. It focuses on collecting data that can contribute to connecting sustainable construction with the Greek reality of a Higher Educational Institution. At the same time, innovative energy saving systems are implemented.

Education – Awareness – Information

The Hellenic Mediterranean University participates in joint relevant actions with other bodies to organize relevant events aimed at the continuous education and information of the Hellenic Mediterranean University Community on environmental issues and to cultivate environmental responsibility among its members.