Quality Assurance Unit(QAU)

Hellenic Mediterranean University

Health and Safety Policy

It is the policy of Hellenic Mediterranean University to provide all necessary supplies for the maintenance of facilities and equipment, which must remain safe and free from health hazards during the performance of work.

Hellenic Mediterranean University is obliged to:

Make arrangements to ensure safety and the absence of health risks in relation to the use, management, storage and transport of items and substances.

Provide information, instructions, training and supervision necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of employees, students and visitors.

Maintain any workplace under its ownership, as well as the means of access and egress, in a safe condition and free from health hazards.

Provide and maintain a safe and adequate working environment in terms of facilities and arrangements for the well-being of employees and students during their stay within the institution.

Provide the relevant necessary protective equipment for the health and safety at work of employees and students.

Encourage staff to set high standards of health and safety by personal example in order for graduates to adopt an attitude that presupposes good health and safety practice.

Review and revise the Health and Safety Guide and publish any amendments.

Legislation and approved codes of good practice, in many cases, set minimum standards for Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). However, Hellenic Mediterranean University recognizes that these standards would be better maintained, developed and improved in consultation with the Safety Technician and the Occupational Physician. Therefore, every encouragement should be given to educational units (faculties, departments) to implement and improve health and safety regulations in collaboration with the Safety Technician and the Occupational Physician.

Health at work

“Health promotion at work is a coordinated effort by employers, workers and society, aimed at improving the health and well-being of people in the working environment.” (Excerpt from the Luxembourg Declaration on Health Promotion at Work).

Health promotion at work goes beyond compliance with legal requirements for safety and health. It involves, among other things, employers actively helping their employees to improve their general health and well-being. In this process, it is important to encourage employee participation and to take into account their needs and views on work organization and the workplace.

By improving the mood and health of employees, health promotion in the workplace has many positive results, such as fewer staff departures and fewer absences, more motivation and greater productivity, while at the same time creating a positive image of the employer as someone who cares for its employees.

Occupational Physician

The qualifications and responsibilities of the “occupational physician” are fully described in Law N.3850/10 and the relevant presidential decrees. These responsibilities are advisory to the employer while, also, the occupational physician has the obligation to supervise the health of the employees.

Specifically, the occupational physician provides suggestions and advice to the employer, the employees and their representatives, in writing or orally, regarding the measures that should be taken for the physical and mental health of the employees. The occupational physician records the written suggestions in a special book based on article 6 of this law. The employer acknowledges in writing the instructions recorded in this book.