Educational Activity Evaluation Questionnaire
The completion of the course evaluation questionnaires for each semester by students is carried out electronically through the MORFEAS platform.
ELMEPA students can evaluate the courses they have registered for through the student register. The OM.EA. of each Academic Unit has the ability to process the evaluation results of all the courses in the unit, as well as to export aggregated results.
For each question, select a value from 1 to 5. 1 corresponds to the lowest evaluation and 5 to the highest.
- Were the course objectives (learning outcomes) clear?
- Scale 1-5
- Not at all,,
- A little,
- Moderate,
- A lot,
- Very much
- Scale 1-5
- Did the material covered meet the course objectives?
- Scale 1-5
- Η ύλη που διδάχθηκε ήταν καλά οργανωμένη; Was the material taught well organized?
- Scale 1-5
- How satisfactory do you find the educational material used (main book/notes)?
- Scale 1-5
- Was there information about the examination method and the grading criteria of the course?
- Scale 1-5
- How do you judge the number of credit units (ECTS) of the course in relation to the workload it actually had?
- Scale 1-5
- To what extent does the course use knowledge or is it connected to other courses?
- Scale 1-5
Teaching Staff
- Does it organize the presentation of the material in the courses well?
- Scale 1-5
- Does it manage to stimulate interest in the subject of the course?
- Scale 1-5
- Does it analyze and present the concepts in a simple and interesting way using examples?
- Scale 1-5
- Encourages students to ask questions and concerns?
- Scale 1-5
- Was he/she consistent in his/her commitments (e.g., attendance at classes, hours of collaboration with students)?
- Scale 1-5
- Is he/she generally approachable to students?
- Scale 1-5
I am the student
- I attended the courses:
- Scale 1-5
- None
- Less than half
- Half
- More than half
- All
- I systematically respond to written assignments/exercises
- Scale 1-5
- I dedicate weekly time to studying this specific course:
- Scale 1-5
- 0-2 hours
- 2-4 hours
- 4-6 hours
- 6-8 hours
- 8+ hours
- Scale 1-5
- Scale 1-5
The laboratory
- How would you rate the level of difficulty of the laboratory?
- Scale 1-5
- Are the notes for the laboratory exercises adequate?
- Scale 1-5
- Are the basic principles of the experiments/exercises well explained?
- Scale 1-5
- Is the laboratory equipment adequate?
- Scale 1-5
- How would you rate the contribution of the laboratory staff?
- Scale 1-5
- Poor,
- Unsatisfactory,
- Average,
- Satisfactory,
- Very good
- Scale 1-5
Observations and comments
- Observations and comments about the course
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